Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Jay Pavlina - After the Kickstarter Scam

jay pavlina
source: public image used


Jay Pavlina After the Scam

So after buying himself a house with backer money and treating his team like garbage, what is that little snake jay pavlina up to these days?

According to jay pavlina's LinkedIn profile he works for a blockchain company Enjin. I would not put much weight in jay pavlina's "location" on LinkedIn because jay pavlina likely works remotely.

I personally believe an employer has a right to know about jay pavlina's scam and sent them an email to let them know. You can do it too! Email them at and let them know what jay pavlina is all about! Jay pavlina is all about scammin!





  1. He posted a YouTube video earlier this year. Check out his Twitter page for a link. He's not dead

  2. Can I email u??? I found something. Maybe helps us?

  3. jeez, leave him the fuck alone already...

    1. I gave em plus he promised a LOT, im not, gonna not do anything.

  4. It’s been a decade dude. Move on.

  5. I bet he took a bath in the hundos from y'all suckers! Went to the bank and and withrew it all in nothin but $100 US currency, filled that tub and bathed it it. Rubbing the cash across every part, really getting it into all the places. Maybe sucking on a roll of quarters - ever so softly. Just so softly. Now go cry to yer mommys for what happened and nothing you can do about it!

  6. After I read this last week I contacted a lawyer and want to let you all know, you can sue. this is the letter i sent with some links to reference the laws and contract he broke.

    Dear Mr. Pavlina,

    This letter serves as final notice before I pursue formal legal action regarding the Super Retro Squad Kickstarter campaign. I contributed $1,000 with the expectation of receiving the promised rewards, including assets and deliverables. Despite multiple communications, none of these promises have been fulfilled.

    I am demanding the following within 14 days:

    The Super Mario Crossover assets, source code, and a fully functional executable for a flash emulator.
    A full update on the status of Glitchstrikers, which has been abandoned without proper communication.
    The return of the sprites I sent. I wish to understand whether you valued my contributions or disregarded them altogether.
    A refund of the $1,000 I contributed due to the failure to deliver any promised rewards.
    You are in violation of several legal frameworks. Under the Federal Trade Commission’s Mail, Internet, or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule, failure to deliver or issue a refund within the agreed-upon timeframe is considered a direct violation​(
    Ball & Evans
    ). Additionally, under Washington’s Consumer Protection Act, your failure to deliver constitutes an “unfair or deceptive act” in trade​(

    Kickstarter’s Terms of Service also form a binding contract between you as the creator and the backers, which obligates you to either fulfill rewards or refund the contributions​(
    ). Furthermore, there is documented evidence that funds from the Super Retro Squad campaign were used to purchase a house, rather than being used for the development of the game​(
    Exploding Rabbit Scam
    ). This constitutes misappropriation of funds, which could be categorized under fraud or embezzlement in both the United States and the Philippines.

    My legal standing is clear, and I am fully prepared to pursue $40,000 in damages for breach of contract, fraud, and unjust enrichment. I have successfully initiated legal action before, including a notable case against Eminem, D12, and others, which demonstrates my ability to navigate these matters to a successful conclusion. Rest assured, I am prepared to take similar steps here, should you continue to avoid responsibility.

    While I am aware of your current location in the Philippines, this does not exempt you from legal action. The court proceedings will take place in the United States, and international legal services will ensure that you are held accountable under U.S. law​(
    Exploding Rabbit Scam

    Once again, this is an opportunity for you to resolve the matter without escalation. If you provide the Super Mario Crossover assets, the $1,000 refund, and clarify the status of Glitchstrikers within the next 14 days, I am willing to avoid further legal action. However, if you fail to comply, I will be left with no option but to proceed.

    1. I would do a class action if it was organized. I'd definitely join in. I was another larger backer and just left holding my balls. It sort of soured me on croundfunding.

    2. What makes you think you're entitled to the SMBC source code lol?

  7. i can attach the laws as the links dont show up here if you wish

  8. Maybe a try a creme if ur butt hurts so much?

    1. Shut up jay, where is the money?


But who cares what we think, what do you think about the Exploding Rabbit scam? You can post anonymously if you want.