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Well unfortunately the day has finally come where Super Action Squad, formerly called Super Retro Squad, has been cancelled. Jay Pavlina wrote a huge article over on explodingrabbit.com which basically makes excuses and then throws his team members under the bus.
More importantly let's talk about refunds. You asked for my help and I will accommodate you. It appears he refunded a few people so they would stop bad mouthing him, basically buying them off. There are a bunch of other people who have asked for refunds and not received them as of today and in looking at the comments on Kickstarter and the explodingrabbit YouTube channel, Jay is not even responding to people. Long story short people want refunds, and as usual Jay has gone MIA an ignoring them.
So here is what you can do.
First of all, you are legally entitled to a refund because he didn't fulfill the rewards. You can read more about that on my post here
Timeline for Exploding Rabbit's Super Retro Squad (Super Action Squad)
Right now you basically have 2 options to get the refund.
Option 1 - Ask Jay Pavlina for a refund
You can continue to ask him for a refund though he doesn't seem to be responding to people at all and has pretty much vanished. You could ask on Kickstarter, where the funding took place or attempt to contact him via the "contact form" on explodingrabbit.com. Beware of the contact form though because you have no idea where that goes, will have no record of the email, and he will track you personal IP address. In my opinion this option doesn't seem to be working out.
Option 2 - Sue Jay Pavlina
As a backer you legally entered into a contract with Jay Pavlina. You gave him money and in return were to receive rewards. The rewards were not provided and it appears never will be. What you would need to do is sue him. It would be a civil matter and you would sue him in small claims court. Specifically you would sue him for the damages which is the amount you gave him for the rewards as well as court costs. Court costs include court fees and your lawyers fees. Most lawyers will work on contingency which means they won't be paid unless you win the case, and like I said you won't have to pay anything because you would sue Jay Pavlina for the court costs as well. That is basically the overview and if you want to do this, just reach out to a lawyer and find out of they will take the case on contingency. The lawyer will then walk you through the specifics of what you need to do. If a lot of people are interested in this method I can reach out to a lawyer who would do a class action suit on Jay Pavlina on behalf of all the backers. Let me know guys, I am here to help.
Lol if he get sue.......
ReplyDeleteIt's hilarious that you think a lawsuit will get you anywhere, if anything you'll be laughed right out of court. All he has to do is refund your money and you've lost all legal basis for your claims.
ReplyDeleteI hope you do try to sue him and it blows up in your face. You people are scumbags and are directly responsible for bullying the indie development community into being stagnant. Great job, I bet your really proud of yourselves.
"bullying the indie development community into being stagnant"
Deletewhat are you on about? That is such a broad statement and only srs has been talked about here. Plenty of other indie games are being made and getting kickstarter funding. Better games with beeter project managers. Simple really.
This particular indie development didn't need the help from this blog to be stagnant. He did that all on his own. I have no sympathy for a bad project manager who blows 50k like a gangsta rapper without giving anything back to the people who trusted him.
DeleteThanks for looking out for the backers OP.
ReplyDeleteTo the guy above me I think that's the whole point is if Jay isn't gonna give the refund then we can sue him for it. It has plenty of legal basis?
hey author can i email you? im interested thanks
DeleteMe to
DeleteI also would like to. I have given this guy much patience and time and he doesn't even have the respect to reply to me. So I will do it this way I guess
DeleteI want mine ASAP, no reply from Jay in weeks.....
DeleteTime to sue......
still no refund for me.....
Deletelooks like you were right all along about this train wreck
ReplyDeleteThe game itself is cancelled
The blog about how the game was a scam is still going strong and updating
You the man, solid info. I'll give him a week or so to get back to me (it's already been weeks with no reply) then I'll call the lawyer. I know he's having a hard time and what not but it's getting way to long . Very helpful
ReplyDelete"Sue Jay Pavlina"
ReplyDeleteIf that happens I piss myself
If you want a refund and Jay is ignoring you then maybe ask Mario Fan who used to post on here. He seems to have a way to talk to Jay and offered to help in the past, but he also seems to have gone MIA so dunno
ReplyDeleteI don't know why, but I kinda stopped coming here :P
DeleteI think they should stop being silent and say something. Anything. The last time I successfully communicated with him was in a strange incident on the forums involving a user named LordRekt. I think I tried to send him something at one point (I can't remember what), but I never got a reply.
Basically, not much I can do ATM. Sorry :P
From the context, I'm guessing that MIA means "shut up", but what does it stand for?
Also, if anyone ever needs me, mariofannio@hotmail.com
I can try sending him another email (I don't actually have his address), but a) I'm not sure if it'll work and b) looking at week-old-posts saying "I'll give him a week and then I'll sue", something tells me that someone's already given it a shot.
DeleteActually, maybe that's why he's gone silent. Maybe he's stuck in a lawsuit and unable to communicate with the outside world. That's just speculation though, I don't know how lawsuits work.
Thanks man, and MIA = missing in action. I think backers would appreciate any form of communication from him, any at all. Sounds like you're in the same boat as the rest though but thanks for getting back to us.
DeleteJay opened an open floor (i think that's supposed to be funny i dunno) for the former ER members. Both Mike and Jean-Marc have said they were going to post in it, but neither have done so. While Mike still seems to be checking the forums regularly (and even reading Current Thoughts), Jean-Marc has not been detected on the forums since April Fools' Day.
DeleteI mentioned this on Current Thoughts yesterday. Mike hasn't been on since (in my timezone) the midnight that leads into yesterday, but I'm sure he'll see it at some point.
I think this should do for the moment, but I'm not sure if this is the last thing I'll do on this.
Open Floor: http://www.explodingrabbit.com/forum/threads/sas-team-open-floor.18025/
My post in Current Thoughts: http://www.explodingrabbit.com/forum/threads/current-thoughts%E2%84%A2-64.15379/page-2165#post-329467
So these poor people get thrown under the bus by Jay and then you people track their ip and site actions? That's personal info honestly
DeleteDon't go to the links guys. They are just trying to track and identify you. Avoid it
DeleteI don't know of any IP tracking. I know that mods of a higher rank than mine can see IP addresses (but I don't know to what extent), but as far as I know they only get used when something goes wrong (like an existing user making a troll account, that actually happened in late March).
DeleteNobody replied to my post on Current Thoughts, so I contacted Mike on his profile page. He said he still didn't feel entirely ready.
That's one-and-three-quarter months and counting.
@2:58 AM Are you referring to the links?
TL;DR if there is ip tracking i don't know of it and i don't have anything to do with it unless posting links counts as having something to do with it
also i'm pretty sure there are browsers that can stop one from being tracked if applicable, i don't know much about these things but i think there's something called tor
I just looked and found out that Jay posted on April 9th to announce a successful move to a new server. Last seen April 25th, just before the fourth anniversary of Exploding Rabbit and Mario Crossover (not sure if this is relevant). I don't know if he did anything in particular after that post.
DeleteCatie was last seen April 22nd, and Jessy April 4th.
All data from forum statistics.
I feel bad for the poor saps who lost 1k or more on this
ReplyDeleteI've read the article but seems to have been edited. Anyone had a screenshot of the original?
ReplyDeletewhich article? on this blog or on explodingrabbit? You should try google cache or the waybackmachine
DeleteFor legal action look here:
Maybe worth a shot
ReplyDeleteEven with people talking about suing jay is not even talking to his backer. Little communication goes a long way really
ReplyDeleteHe better stop watching porn
ReplyDeleteOh great you must be 12
ReplyDeleteJaw way
ReplyDeleteOk so I pretty much hate pavlina he is the def of what's wro g with indie community and why people do trust indie devs. Makes it hard for the real ones
ReplyDeleteAlso it's not technically cancelled per se, but just "on hold". They intend to pick it back up once they've made some smaller games. I doubt any of you give a fuck though.
ReplyDeletegiven refunds?
ReplyDeleteI thought I heard someone has the sue on jay
ReplyDeleteI don't believe this jay made mario crossover and then actually done updates to it for a while. So how did this project become such a train wreck?!?!?!?
ReplyDeleteStill more refunds to go
ReplyDeleteYou know he's getting serious back winding from it everything. All he must is to answer the people is it
ReplyDeleteCan somebody tell me how to get a refund? I know a few people have and a lot haven't so what did you guys who got one do to get it?
ReplyDeletePlease help me!
Dude, that is the point of this post!?!?
DeleteJay isn't responding right? So then go with option 2 and sue him. I think at least 1 other guy is suing him now, but maybe 2 are.
Hey so don't ask how I know this but so you know Jay would like go around to websites and create dummy accounts to post good things or to bury bad stufff. He actually spent like hours on this each day.
ReplyDeleteFull disclosure people!
um ok first how do you know this and 2nd why does it matter!?!?!
Deletecrash n burn like hindenburd
ReplyDeletelol check out this pic it really says it all!
Jay just logged on to the forums! It probably doesn't mean anything, but this hasn't happened since late April. Someone said he said they are ok and working hard in a PM, with so far no further details.
ReplyDelete*Your hope has raised by 10 points!*
You were refunded?
DeleteNo, I haven't given up hope.
Deleteum hope not raised any.... we want refunds.....
Deletewell frankly you can't get a refund if you can't get hold of him, and this is a step towards getting hold of him :P
DeleteEven if he doesn't reply to people he can still be nice and sued!
DeleteHe registerd his company and here is the address
6386 S Canterbury Rd Parma, OH 44129.
so thats where you would send the lawsuit to or find him in person
And a fun fact he bought that little place of his for $139,000 on 9/29/12. Of course $50,000 of that came from our money!!!
Deletesource: http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/6386-S-Canterbury-Rd-Parma-OH-44129/33564888_zpid/
DeleteSo he only paid $89,000 for the house using the $50,000 ks money huh
DeleteActually I thought I saw somewhere someone else put in $25,000 so basically only $64,000 for a house. wow
Not shabby some cars cost that lol
On the backs of con artists eh Jay? (no eagle wings hear!)
You think he even reads this?
Deletei think he said he got the house with a loan or something and didn't include the kickstarter money
DeleteWell clearly he dosnt have any left to refund backers. So if it didn't go to buy the house then what was it spent on? Hot dogs and pet turtles?
DeleteJay just greedy
ReplyDeleteHe never said the game was cancelled, no need to get a refund yet, they just put it on hold until they can get back up on their feet again.
ReplyDeletenobody cares, just want refunds
DeleteHi guys can you say if you heard from hit at all? Who has actual refund so far and like how did you get a hold of him?
ReplyDeleteNot yet, and I sent a few pm and it's been weeks. Real classy jay
DeleteWHERE IS MY REFUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletehey there so has anyone tried the suing option? how did it go did you get the money and what was the cost?
ReplyDeleteany more news on refunds?
ReplyDeletewhere did that 50k go to? Bet he spent it on little poddle .....
ReplyDeletethink its official that jay has abandoned all yall and your not getting a refund and its not like this blogger warned you or anything! hope nobody is to butt hurt!
ReplyDeleteHe's made a new video now, what do you want to say about it?
ReplyDeletewho me? personally I don't give 2 craps! Dude just needs to refund ppl
Deletethink its some sad try really but ppl are upset
DeleteLets band together and pursue legal action, this is insane, these guys have walked away with $40,000 plus.
ReplyDeleteIssue me a refund!
im down
Deleteu done it??
Deletei sue and got a lambo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteyou know some just don't learn and also i wish i had this many on my blog!
ReplyDeleteok so this dude has been posting crap on his site and youtube like nothing has happened and he didn't rip everyone off, oh but wait he did and had like the biggest scam kickstarter ever has seen!
ReplyDeleteSo my brother is a lawyer and I started to get the process going and he is in for a big ole surprise lol
get ready jay.... we haven't forgotten!!!! We demand to be refunded!!!
Deleteyoull never see it....
Deletehi is jaypav mean jay pavlina from ER? why you say that?? If they want one they shoudl have it??
Deletestill no refund, I don't think that dbag jay is on pointe here.....
ReplyDeletechicka chicka where that refund?!?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteHey blogger happy ny to you man! So not sure you have seen, but jay is now like trying to turn his site into a blog and is making like different versions of of mario crossover with metroid and stuff. Of course all the pages have ads and you have to go to many pages to read stuff so he's still just trying to make money and not work.
ReplyDeleteHow much we want to bet that new money doesn't go to the refunds...
saw that same but ya ppl will do anythnng when desprite!!!! Its not foolin anyone though he still a sleeze@!!!!!!!@@!!
DeleteExploding Rabbit
ReplyDeleteMar 25, 2014
We have received your request for a refund for Super Action Squad. For information about how we handle refunds, see our refund policy at http://www.explodingrabbit.com/games/super-action-squad/refund-policy
Your refund request was received on March 21, 2014 at 1:06 PM EDT. There is currently $2444.38 in our refund queue ahead of you.
We will contact you when we are ready to process your refund.
Jan 6, 2015
Can you give me the status of my refund request?
Exploding Rabbit
Jan 7, 2015
There's $2326.20 ahead of you.
So, 10 months later and they have refunded a little less than $120.
DeleteCome on guys sitting around unemployment watching porn needs money so give him a break.....
someone needs to tell him that porn is free on the web!!!!!!
DeleteI'm jay pavlina and NO REFUNDS!!! I am him trust me why'd I lie
whats the point huh?????
DeleteSo Jay has to refund cuz he fucked up and didn't deliver so looks like scam was right
ReplyDeleteRead this
Hi - Our firm is experienced with helping backers in situations like this. Check out our Kickstarter legal guide and by all means get in touch with us with any questions or to see how we can work for you.
We are happy to assist so don't feel you need to figure this out yourself or are worried that you lost your money
This is fake
Deletejust acceptr
ReplyDeleteHonestly I am not sure. I have the 'Show word verification' set at 'no' so it shouldn't happen. Do others get this?
ReplyDelete4 years and no game or refund
ReplyDeleteStill no refund, this is a violation of Kickstarter's Terms of Use