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Glitch Strikers steam greenlight scam
Alright so today jay pavlina from exploding rabbit did something, they created a game called glitch strikers. Or wait, it is just the exploding rabbit scam continuing. People please do not fall for this again, it is so sad seeing backers get excited only to be let down again. let's look at thisJay pavlina has spent 8 months creating a trailer and posting glitch strikers on steam greenlight and changed the name of super retro squad yet again to glitch strikers.
That's it folks, nothing else has happened.
Jay pavlina from exploding rabbit would have you believe something has actually happened here, it hasn't. He said he spent the last 8 months working "hard" on that trailer. So that means the rest of the 4 years it has been were spent NOT working on anything to do with the super retro squad scam. Oh wait, the name changed again, now it is glitch strikers. Jay pavlina from exploding rabbit put a trailer for glitch strikers on steam greanlight but glitch strikers is just copyright infringement. NES game levels slapped together with ever so slight tile editing. Wonderful.
Backers already had a trailer for glitch strikers, when it was called super retro squad, its on kickstarter and been there since 2012. Its now 2017 and backers have a new trailer and the name of the game changed to glitch strikers. I guess in 2022 backers will get another trailer and yet another name change. Just ducky.
Please, please, please backers, do not continue to fall for this glitch strikers exploding rabbit scam from jay pavlina. We have been here before and know how it goes. Do not fall for it.....
Make sure to ask the right questions
- Backers still want refunds and have literally been ignored, when will they be refunded?
- What state is the game in, no gameplay footage is shown and jay pavlina says glitch strikers would be coming this summer.
- What exactly was jay pavlina doing the last 4 years if he has only been "working" the last 8 months
- What was backer money used for? His house, his rent, his equipment, his unemployment? Demand a detailed accounting of every dollar, get the FTC involved. I tell you about that and how to Sue Exploding Rabbit and Jay Pavlina in my post.
- How much money did jay pavlina make from paypal and the super mario crossover e-begging and what was it used for
- How much money has jay pavlina made from patreon and what was that money used for
- What exactly is it jay pavlina done since the kickstarter funding in 2012 besides find more ways to take money from people
- What is the plan if glitch strikers is not greenlit on steam or when Nintendo sends a cease and desist on glitch strikers
Backers, please, please do not fall for this glich strikers exploding rabbit scam again. Do not get your hopes up over nothing, I don't want to see you hurt and more then you have been
I'll tell you what, if your into the exploding rabbit scam, give me $50,000, then more money on paypal, then more money on patreon. I will then do absolutely nothing for you for over 4 years. I will also be sure not to respond to you. Then when its been close to 5 years, I'll whip up a quick trailer when you already had one. Sounds nice right?
you didn't waste any time here. I'm still asking for a refund and being ignored its been 5 years
ReplyDelete8 years now.....
Deletepffff not falling for this. I've been working with the FTC on his deceptive practices. When we were on the phone going over all the evidence we found out he deleted the super action squad FAQ where he said he used Kickstarter funds for rent, moving to Ohio and personal equipment, obviously just more deceptive practices. Good news is that page is archived at archive.org at http://web.archive.org/web/20131028082439/http://www.explodingrabbit.com/wiki/Super_Action_Squad_FAQ
ReplyDeleteHope this helps others who are working with the FTC and lawyers to put a stop to this scam and get refund
it was greenlit so now hes gonna start charging people more money for this scam wont ppl learn
ReplyDeleteAlright, first of all, I don't really like Jay Pavlina anymore. I used to be a big fan of his work since Super Mario Crossover (pre version 2, so around 2010-2011). He fucked up in many ways and did some really dumb things like shooing his community away by removing parts of his forum not related to Exploding Rabbit itself. I'm an original backer and was disappointed by the way things went, the constant renaming and rebooting of the project, the throwing his old team under the bus. Not to mention I hate his political views. So let me make this clear: I am certainly not a fan of Jay Pavlina.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, this post is fucking stupid.
In what way is Glitch Strikers a "scam"? I don't think you understand the meaning of the word:
scam: a dishonest scheme; a fraud.
Exactly what about Glitch Strikers is dishonest or fraudulent in any way? It's a Steam greenlit game that has a professional-looking trailer and a legit developer working on it (Matt Kap worked on The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth and has his own game on Steam rated 9/10). What the flying shit is a scam about this? People don't need to pledge money to greenlight a Steam game. Not convinced the game will be that great? Fantastic, wait until for reviews to come out once the game is out. Nobody has a gun against your head, forcing you to buy it.
Then, the Kickstarter. Do you really think Jay is bathing in your money, living a life of lavish off of it? He got $48,000 from it. As he prefaced in the Kickstarter, the plan was to buy a house and have all team members move in. The house itself ended up costing $139,000, while he wasn't the actual owner. Jay made a post addressing this here: http://explodingrabbit.com/refuting-the-kickstarter-house-rumors-1008/
All in all, Jay is kind of an idiot and made lots of mistakes, but if you actually think he's some kind of con artist plotting schemes to rob people of their money, you're an even bigger idiot.
lol and I think you ARE Jay Pavlina, so hey whats up, when can I get my $50 refund? I am also a backer and asked for my $50 refund years ago, still not received or even any communication on it.
DeleteWhy is it a scam? Jay Pavlina took 50k from Kickstarter, some other additional amount from PayPal contributions on his site, and even more money from Patreon. This was to create a game. Game was never created, still isn't and its like 5 years later. So Jay, why don't you start with telling how much money you got for this game total and then EXSCTLY what it was spent on. That and please give me my $50 back.... or at least reply to me.....
chop chop wheres my refund
ReplyDeleteWhat's laughable is in the trailer for Glitch Strikers, people are more bitching about a possible lawsuit from Nintendo instead of the fact Jay still scammed people
ReplyDeleteyeah crazy right? Maybe people like to be scammed, ya never know...
Deleteslob the knob teddy brosevelt
ReplyDeleteThis is actually kind of stupid.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many misunderstandings and mistakes in this post it's almost laughable.
I can only assume he was working on the trailer for 8 months.
You are using the word "scam" incorrectly.
Although you make some fair points, you mostly make some false accusations.
I'm out.
Exploding Rabbit isn't a scam, just some dumbass who has no idea how to run anything. The only thing he ever ran was his own reputation and community... into the ground.
ReplyDeleteSomeone needs to make a documentaryy of this dude making a game, still no happen and its been years!!!!
ReplyDelete7 years no refund no game. Classy
ReplyDeletedude I have some dirt on him.... I was gonna tell slopes but you have done some great sleauthing, well.... contact me on protorock@icloud.com you will have all the evidence you need. - Protorock....
ReplyDeleteNice good hes a criminal, cops will raid his illegal house that backers bought him
DeleteI was the guy that commented that i have the info on this dude scamming me in 2014, protorock@icloud.com they messaged me but I thought it was a Troll. So I paid for his highest perk in KS, and ummm never received it he now claims to live in Brazil. Because I said I was gonna sue he said that I am not in a good financial situation and need the money. If you want to know the scoop email me or discord ProtoRock#1115
ReplyDeleteI am Jigsaw btw not my real screename, that would be Protorock. So i have the screenshots... please contact ne or let me know where i can send them salute. Jay is saying he is in brazil.
ReplyDeleteIn Brasil?
ReplyDeletehe said that in a email, i have to find a way to enter that email since i changed to android. Im gonna send it to slopes
DeleteYou've gotta be really stupid to expect a refund. It's kickstarter. It's a gamble. If you go to Vegas and put all your money on red but the ball lands on black, you can't go to the casino management and ask for a refund of all that money you just gambled and lost
ReplyDeleteKickstarter is always a gamble. That's why you do tons of research before you ever back any project on there or on any other fundraising site. If you failed to do your due diligence, and you lost money, then that's your own fault. Backing a kickstarter is not a guarantee you'll recieve a product, it's not like buying something off amazon. It's a gamble, and you have to do the research and work out whether it's a safe gamble or not.
Don't expect a refund when you're too stupid to understand what kickstarter even is
Its now 2022. I still Wonder what hes doing in his grim future.
ReplyDeleteno. u
ReplyDeleteIn case anyone is wondering what Jay is up to, he had a falling out with the old exploding rabbit team a long time ago. The house was sold. He has since moved to the Philippines where he works as a software engineer. So it seems he just dropped the glitch strikers project entirely since he's been living there. That's about all I know.
ReplyDeleteIs there a Source? Anything about that?
DeleteHis Linkedin account has that info. It's easy enough to find
Deletelooking at his linkedin, it looks like he was able to find steady work as a programmer. hes worked on some shitty indie games, websites and even crypto bullshit now it seems.
Deletethats the closest you guys will get to him being an actual scammer and even that, i doubt hes actually the founder. being a complete incompetent retard with no business or management skills doesnt make you a scammer.
so after all the kickstarter shit it still seems hes been able to land back on his feet. sucks if you were hoping for the opposite.
anyone have a source on that post he made where he completely shat on his old team? or is that lost to time after he deleted it?
To the previous commenter, about the post you were asking about. He made that post and quickly revised it.
DeleteBut thankfully, it isn't actually lost to time! That exact page is available on waybackmachine. Enjoy:
It is a magnificent shit show. He shamelessly namedrops team members. The best part is where he calls Zach, his artist (whom he paid $250 a month, eventually down to $0 a month btw) "slow and unfocused". He goes on to say he "fixed it" by micromanaging him. Plot twist, that didn't actually fix it. So what did he do? He made someone else micromanage him. That surprisingly didn't work either, so he gave up and fired him.
Jay mismanaged this whole thing so bad from beginning to end, it's incredible. To the point where he basically rage quit America (his Linkedin previously indicated he was in the Philippines and currently says he is located in Uruguay).
The whole Exploding Rabbit adventure is a barely known trainwreck and I wish there was more documentation and information shared on it. It's especially fascinating to me, as an early fan of his works (long before the Kickstarter, which in essence was the beginning of the end).
Go to the jungle an punch jay to the nuts!!!
ReplyDeleteyes crush the testies with force! I want home boght for me!
ReplyDelete: a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation
he looks like a yeti about to suck dick for the 1st time in that pic