Thursday, July 14, 2016

Top Kickstarter Fails - Exploding Rabbit

Top Kickstarter Fail

Super Retro Squad by Jay Pavlina of ExplodingRabbit, is a game that received more than $53,000 in Kickstarter funding and is one of the top Kickstarter fails. This top Kickstarter fail by ExplodingRabbit and Jay Pavlina is the very the reason some people have lost faith in Kickstarter. Because of the empty promises and complete failure to deliver Super Retro Squad by Jay Pavlina of ExplodingRabbit, Super Retro Squad has been named number 2 of the top 5 Kickstarter Disasters by GamerFromMars (starts at 3:25).

ExplodingRabbit's Super Retro Squad Kickstarter fail has really had an impact on backers who still to this day have not received refunds for Super Retro Squad